All-Natural means that Doggy Green Up! is made from all natural ingredients. BioSoil Farm manufactures Doggy Green Up! with all natural ingredients.

Doggy Green Up! is manufactured using organic ingredients. Doggy Green Up! is NOT certified organic because there is no need and organic certification lacks true organic requirements. There is nothing even remotely inorganic used at BioSoil Farm in any of their ingredients. BioSoil Farm manufacturers worm castings under the most strict organic standards using a custom developed nightcrawler for ideal microbial quantities and microbial diversification.

BioSoil Farm is committed to sustainability. BioSoil Farm manufactures worm castings from finished leaf compost (manure free) and waste organic grain. BioSoil Farm collects waste food from food banks and food pantries that would be headed to the landfill to create methane gas if BioSoil Farm didn’t interrupt the process. We collect the pre-consumer waste food and process it in several ways to extract plant nutrients from the waste food. At BioSoil Farm we make every decision weighing sustainability.
Doggy Green Up! is manufactured by BioSoil Farm who manufactures worm castings, reclaims and recycles plant nutrients, and works to find uses for waste food, keep waste food from going to the landfill where it creates methane gas. Methane gas is 30 times stronger as a greenhouse gas and it is ONLY waste food that creates methane gas emissions in landfills. Your purchase of Doggy Green Up! helps prevent global warming.

BioSoil Farm sees ability not disability. BioSoil Farm employs workers working with disabilities. Your purchase was manufactured, packaged and labeled by people working with challenges to employment, yet at BioSoil Farm they have found a home and a family.

Doggy Green Up! fixes dog pee spots on lawn and grass. Doggy Green Up! is manufactured by BioSoil Farm in Glenville NY
Doggy Green Up! is used to fix dog pee spots on grass, repair spots caused by dog urine, fix lawn spots, fix grass spots and generally make grass grow better and lawns appear healthier.