Well Spring has Sprung!! After a long winter it is time to pay attention to your grass!  If you own a dog and a yard, then you know that dog pee damages grass and leaves “bleached out dog pee spots” all over your lawn or where your dog pees on your grass.

We at BioSoil Farm have the all-natural, organic, chemical-free way to fix those Dog Pee Spots on your lawn and grass!

The Dog Pee is high in Ammonia and Uric Acid.  THis lowers the pH of your soil (makes it more acidic) and burns the grass because of all the nitrogen in the dog pee.  Doggy Green Up! fixes that problem by raising the soil pH (makes it more base or alkaline) and converts the ammonia and uric acid in the dogs pee into “fixed available nitrogen” that the grass will then be able to use as fertilizer.  Doggy Green Up! is AMAZING!!

Besides being a great product, Doggy Green Up! is packaged, labeled and boxed by workers with disabilities providing inclusive jobs for people in our community who need the work!

Doggy Green Up! is available from home & garden stores, pet stores, at DoggyGreenUp.com and on Amazon

Buy your Doggy Green Up! today and have a GREAT LAWN all Summer Long!  Make the Summer of 2019 the year you DON’T have dog pee spots on your grass or lawn!