WOW! Doggy Green Up! is a huge success – flying up the Amazon rankings! We have been selling Doggy Green Up! on Amazon for a little over a week and the sales are amazing!

When we at BioSoil Farm created Doggy Green Up! we had no idea that dog pee spots was such a huge problem.  It turns out that if you have a dog and a lawn, you probably have dog pee spots that need repair.

Doggy Green Up! fixes dog pee spots on lawns whether they are caused by dog urine, over fertilization or excessive road salts.

“The story behind Doggy Green Up! and it’s ability to fix lawn spots caused by dog urine, over fertilization or excessive road salts is rather humorous.” says Chad Currin, CEO of BioSoil Farm, the manufacturer of Doggy Green Up!  “As turf grass professionals, we get turf grass questions all the time.  A friend of mine came to me and explained the issue he was having with dog pee spots on his lawn.  He asked if any of our organic, natural, sustainable lawn care products could fix it.  I explained that while they could, there were some unique challenges in fixing dog pee spots on lawn and I thought a specialized formula might be a better solution, so I went to work inventing Doggy Green Up!  When my friend reported 4 or 5 days later that the grass was regrowing I got excited.  When it was completely gone less than a month later both he and I were ecstatic.”

That was the beginning of Doggy Green Up!  Now several months later, the product is available on Amazon Prime, Etsy, Ebay and a list of local home & garden centers, pet supply stores and dog specialty shops.