Chad Currin, founder and CEO of BioSoil Farm is interviewed on the creation and success of Doggy Green Up!  Doggy Green Up! is used to fix dog pee spots on lawns and grass.

Learn the story behind Doggy Green Up! and learn some of the science behind Doggy Green Up! and how Doggy Green Up! works to fix lawn spots caused by dogs urinating on the grass.  Don’t worry… even though the grass may look dead, it isn’t.  Get your GREEN grass back with Doggy Green Up!

Doggy Green Up! fixes dog pee spots on grassUse Doggy Green Up! to fix all kinds of Lawn Spots.

Doggy Green Up! is manufactured by BioSoil Farm in Schenectady, NY.  BioSoil Farm is a leading manufacturer of worm castings.  BioSoil Farm collects food waste from food banks and food pantries after it is no longer suitable for human consumption.  BioSoil Farm uses our own microbes, extracted from our premium worm castings to extract plant nutrients from waste food, manufacturing a full line of liquid and solid fertilizers.  To learn more, please visit

BioSoil Farm is committed to employing workers working with Disabilities. Click Here to learn more.

How does Doggy Green Up fix Dog Pee Spots on Grass and Lawn? Specialized microbes in Doggy Green Up™ break down the uric acid and ammonia that's burning the grass and convert it into a beneficial form of nitrogen that's used by the grass to green itself up!

Doggy Green Up fixes Dog Pee Spots on Lawns - Ingredients: BioSoil Farm Premium Worm Castings, “Pup”prietary Microbe Blend, BioSoil Farm Blend of Premium Grass Nutrients and Micro-Nutrients.

A portion of every sale goes to local/regional pet charities and organizations.  We help you fix pee spots on your lawn and your purchase helps us help dogs and pets in need. Thank you!

Doggy Green Up fixes Dog Pee Spots on your grass and lawn or your money back guarantee

Sustainably Produced. Made from Recycled Materials. Learn About our Values.

Product Intended Use: Fixes Dog Pee Spots on Grass and Lawns.

Directions to fix dog pee spots:

  1. Locate pee spot.
  2. Remove any dead thatch from the pee spot.
  3. Sprinkle 1 cup Doggy Green Up™ per square foot onto yellowed pee patch making sure to completely cover the area.
  4. Water the treated pee spot generously.
  5. Add some of your favorite grass seed to the treated pee spot. (Optional)