Doggy Green Up! is the fastest and easiest way to fix dog pee spots on lawn and grass. In fact, Doggy Green Up! will fix any type of lawn spot.
Doggy Green Up! is available on Amazon, Etsy and local retail outlets.
- Locate Trouble Spot and Remove any Dead Thatch. Do not pull grass roots, just remove the dead grass above ground.
- Sprinkle Doggy Green Up! on the Dog Pee Patch
- Water, Water, Water.
- In 3-5 days you will see new green grass growing in the dog pee spot. Within a few weeks the dog pee patch will be completely gone!
Doggy Green Up! works using soil science. Doggy Green Up! is specially formulated to raise the pH – it is low because dog pee is very acidic – and then the specialized microbes in Doggy Green Up! will convert the dog pee into fixed nitrogen that the grass will use as a powerful fertilizer to regrow dark, green, lush grass.
The Doggy Green Up! system is not magic – even if it looks like magic and works like magic, it is firmly rooted in soil science.
Will Doggy Green Up! work forever?? Yes and No! Doggy Green Up! does NOT need to be applied each time a dog pees in a specific spot. The microbes that do the hard work of “fixing the nitrogen” and converting the dog pee into fertilizer will live and colonize in the soil so that it works for a long period. This does not mean that one application of Doggy Green Up! will work forever. For best results from Doggy Green Up! apply a small amount to the troubled spot every few days to every week. This will ensure that doggy Green Up! fixes the troubled dog pee spot on your lawn or grass and keeps it fixed.
Due to harsh winter climates in many parts of the United States, Doggy Green Up! will need to be applied every year as the soil microbes that do the hard work in Doggy Green Up! will, for the most part, be killed of by the harsh winter weather.
Ready to fix those Dog Pee Spots once and for all…. Doggy Green Up! is the answer. It’s cheap. It’s easy to use. It works!
To Purchase Doggy Green Up! or to see where Doggy Green Up! is sold, please click here.
I bought Doggy Green Up!and it worked fast. It’s easy to use – thank goodness.
– Happy Customer – Latham, NY