Is your beautiful lawn suffering from “burn spots?”  THe solution is very simple!

Doggy Green Up! will fix lawn spots whether they are caused by a dog peeing on the grass or any other reason.

While Doggy Green Up! was invented to fix dog pee spots on lawns and grass, Doggy Green Up! will fix lawn spots, or grass regardless of the reason.  Besides dog urine causing browned, yellowed or burned spots, spots on your lawn or  can be caused by excessive road salts, excessive synthetic fertilizer or any number of other reasons.


  1. Pour or Sprinkle Doggy Green Up! on the spot.  Roughly 1 cup per square foot.
  2. Water.  Water. Water.
  3. Wait three-five days.
  4. DONE!


Fertilizer applied by individuals or by chemical lawn care companies can easy cause burn spots because the nitrogen used to fertilize the lawn is an ineffective, (high dose – low efficiency) fertilizer.  Most of the nitrogen used by chemical lawn treatment companies and most of the nitrogen sold by big box stores or home and garden centers is Urea Nitrogen a type of nitrogen that is a high dose, low efficiency fertilizer.  It is so cheap that they apply huge quantities knowing that little of the nitrogen will become fixed and help the grass.  Mostly it flows through the soil and into the water table where it causes water pollution and algae blooms. If, for whatever reason, it doesn’t make it through the soil, it simply sits there and burns plants, plant roots, and all the soil biology.

So, if you have burn spots on your lawn, and you don’t have a dog, then most likely the cause of the burn spots is from road salt or over-fertilization.  Doggy Green Up! – despite it’s name – can be used to fix any burn spot on a lawn or grass.

Tired of Burn Spots on your lawn?  Use Doggy Green Up! and have a beautiful green lawn once again.

Buy Doggy Green Up! from BioSoil Farm on Amazon, Amazon Prime, Home & Garden Centers, Pet Stores and other fine retailers or buy Doggy Green Up! by clicking here!