Fix Dog Pee Spots on grass or lawn!

One of the most common lawn care questions is “How do I fix dog pee spots on my lawn?” Don’t worry.  It’s easy and affordable so you can have both the dog you love and the grass you love!

There are two main issues that need to be fixed in order for grass to regrow where your dog has urinated and turned your pretty green grass to an ugly shade of yellow and making it look dead.  First is that the dog pee contains lots of “acid” which lowers the pH of the soil making it too acidic for grass to grow.  The second is that dog pee contains toxic amounts of ammonia and uric acid which are high in nitrogen.  While grass loves nitrogen, these forms of nitrogen are “unavailable” and so the nitrogen simply burns the plant tissue (grass) and the roots.

So you have a few options for fixing the dog pee spots on your grass or lawn!

The first option is to determine the appropriate products needed to raise the pH and convert the nitrogen from unavailable to “fixed nitrogen.”  This option proves too much chemistry for most people.

The second option is to give your dog any one of the pills or dietary supplements that are on the market.  The problem with these supplements is that they tend not to work and who really wants to change the physiology of the dog to solve the grass problem!  The fact that they don’t work is probably reason enough.  Why give your dog a supplement to fix your grass if it doesn’t even work?!?!

The final option is the brand new option from BioSoil Farm called “Doggy Green Up!”  This option doesn’t require you to learn any chemistry nor does it require you to give your beloved dog any “nutritional supplements.”  It is so easy to use, just sprinkle Doggy Green Up! on the dog urine spots on your lawn and water well.  Then within 3-5 days you will see your grass starting to regrow.  In a couple of weeks you won’t even be able to find the spot!

The best part is that Doggy Green Up! continues to work long after it is applied.  If your dog frequently pees in the same location just keep adding Doggy Green Up! and it will keep the soil health in check and keep the grass green.

There it is.  Problem Fixed.  No more Dog Pee Spots on your lawn!

Click Here to learn more about Buying Doggy Green Up! to fix the Dog Pee Spots on Your Lawn!

Some of the questions most frequently asked about using Doggy Green Up! to fix dog pee spots on lawn:

  1. Is this product Dangerous to animals, kids, dogs or other pets? NO! Doggy Green Up! is completely natural and organic.  It is safe to touch and safe to eat. (Not that you should eat it, but it won’t hurt you to do so)
  2. Is this product natural and/or organic? YES
  3. How fast does it fix dog pee spots on grass? It will start to work immediately.  You will see new growth within 3-5 days.  Within weeks you will have completely fixed the dog spots on your lawn.
  4. Do I need to water the spot after I apply Doggy Green Up!? YES!  The more you water the spot after applying Doggy Green Up!, the faster it will work.  Watering daily is best, but not needed.
  5. Do I need to add GRASS SEED to Doggy Green Up!?  NO!  You do not NEED to add seed.  Doggy Green Up! will fix the soil pH and then regrow the grass that is already there.  Many people do CHOOSE to add some of their favorite seed to speed the process up but you do not need to add seed to fix the dog urine spot(s) on your lawn.
  6. Can I use Doggy Green Up! to make my whole lawn look better? YES! ABSOLUTELY! Doggy Green Up! can be applied to Fix Dog Pee Spots on grass or lawn so your grass grow healthier and stronger.  It will make the roots grow deeper.  It will make the leaf tissue greener.  If will give you a prettier, healthier lawn.
  7. So what’s the catch? There really isn’t a catch!  Doggy Green Up! even comes with a 30 day money back guarantee!


Click Here to learn more about Buying Doggy Green Up! to fix the Dog Urine Spots on Your Lawn!